The Story Behind Bicycle Universe
Bicycle Universe (.info and .com) is a bicycling-focused website with the core message being ‘Get a bike, lose the car and help the environment’.
This website was originally created all the way back in 2004 by Michael Bluejay. Michael has written some great articles over the years that have been mentioned in the New York Times, Huffington Post, The Times of London and other large well-respected websites. (The ‘Going car free can make you a millionaire’ article with a calculator is one of the most popular and linked to articles)
As of June 2017, this site is under new ownership and Michael is no longer associated with the site. Our intention moving forward is to keep providing great content for people interested in all things bicycling – whether that be bicycle commuting, bicycle safety, bicycle maintenance, or just plain using a bike to help the environment.
This site is hosted by WPEngine who are one of the fastest WordPress hosts around. If you love having a speedy website and are interested in hosting your own site or blog on WPEngine hardware, then click the banner below.

Write for us:
If you have a love of all things bicycling and enjoy writing about it, then please get in contact with us. We will then get back to you and discuss our requirements and our payment terms, etc. (Please note, we do not accept guest posts where the aim is looking for a backlink elsewhere)
Please be aware we do have some affiliate links on this site and if used, could earn us a small commission (with no increased cost to yourself). We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.
Although we do realize that people like to use the convenience of the internet for purchases these days, we do suggest using and supporting your local bike store where at all possible.
Finally, we love to receive feedback, so please get in contact and let us know what you do or do not like about the site! We are always looking to add content to the site that will be of benefit to our readers, so if you have any suggestions, let us know!
We would love to keep in contact and send you our monthly newsletter. Click here and we’ll add you to our growing mailing list.